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Shelagh Legrave OBE DL and the Stonepillow Board of Trustees are delighted to appoint Hilary Bartle as the new Chief Executive of Stonepillow.

Hilary says, ‘I feel very privileged to be part of Stonepillow. It reflects the core values and principles I hold by delivering high-quality services which empower and enable those who are homeless or vulnerably housed to achieve independence and wellbeing.  I am excited about taking on the role of CEO with Stonepillow at a time of such positive change and strengthening the strategic working with our statutory, voluntary and corporate partners in order to deliver a broader range of effective and proactive services for our clients.’

Hilary brings a huge range of knowledge and experience, having spent of 35 years delivering, commissioning and strategically planning housing, homelessness and housing-related support services. One of her previous roles was with Central Government as Deputy Director of the Supporting People programme, she has also run her own consultancy business working across the country with a range of statutory and voluntary sector agencies.